March 01, 2023

Week Six in Mexico - Tequila, Guacamole, and a Piñata

Six weeks into this Mexico Adventure and the party hasn’t stopped!

After a long weekend away at an Airbnb, I’ve been back at the hostel this week and this may have been the most social and outgoing I’ve been in Guadalajara. I went out for a group dinner, checked out a speakeasy, played a little competitive Uno, and joined a going away fiesta—complete with a piñata!

On Friday, a group of us went out for dinner on Chapultepec, a main avenue nearby with a high density of bars and restaurants. I got the chance to meet some newer hostel guests, including travelers from Australia, Canada, and Ireland. I was also able to chat with the owners of the hostel who have been extra kind and helpful in making my stay in Guadalajara easygoing and memorable.

All of this occurred over shared plates of sliced and chopped taco meat, fresh tortillas, and tasty salsas which helped bring everybody together in that way only food can do.

Some of us continued the night at a nearby speakeasy, pulling on a faux bookshelf which opened up into a bar with a classy and dimly lit atmosphere. It also happened to be World Bartender Day so it was only right to order a cocktail or three to celebrate.

By the time we made it to our third location of the night, only three of the original eight of us were left but we had fun crashing a birthday party, making new friends, and dancing the night away.

Not every fun night was necessarily a night out. One of the more entertaining nights this past week was as simple as a few of us making fresh guacamole, pouring palomas and mojitos, and playing an innocent game of Uno which quickly turned competitive and lasted for hours.

But the real highlight of the week has to be the night the hostel owners surprised us all with a piñata.

Having grown up with piñatas at nearly every kid’s birthday party, I guess it never occurred to me that there are others who have never had the chance to experience that particular joy in their life. As a send off celebration, the hostel threw a little going away fiesta for a couple of volunteers from Japan who had never experienced the piñata tradition. They got their first cracks in and others joined in until the inevitable end when candy came spilling out of the tequila bottle-shaped piñata.

Nothing to bring a smile to a bunch of adult travelers than to let them feel like kids for a night. It certainly helped convince me to extend my stay here for at least another week so I hope to have more stories for the next update.

In the meantime, please be sure you’re following my Facebook and Instagram pages for more content.

Hasta pronto!


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